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The Truth Hurts

Some people want the truth. Some people couldn't care less about truth. Some are so threatened by it that they'll lash out at anybody that peddles it. I've had conversations with people with all kinds of different personalities and belief systems, discussing a wide variety of controversial topics. For a lot of people, for different reasons, the truth hurts. My wife and I love to spend a lot of our free time researching various topics that interest us. We hunt for the truth on the internet, by watching documentaries and reading books. We look at things objectively and always keep an open mind. We examine both sides of and never jump to any conclusions. The one thing that really bothers me is when people develop opinions solely based on what others have said and don't do any research for themselves. I've had brief arguments that I've pretty much walked away from because the other party wouldn't listen to reason. It really frustrates me when I put in the ti

Dispelling the Ghost Box Skeptics

* This blog post is not unbiased   ( I respect those skeptics that are on the opposite end of the spectrum from me that have actually conducted their own experiments and done the research, but still feel that the efficacy of a “ghost box” is unfounded) YouTube: Esoteric Wanderer   Skeptics Definition of a Ghost Box : An intentionally malfunctioning radio that allegedly helps the user communicate with the dead.   Actual Definition :   A modified radio that allows the user to communicate with spiritual intelligences in real time.   My Opinion Based on Extensive Experience : I find it funny that most people just take other people’s word for it, but that’s the same with everything on this planet unfortunately.   Most people base their opinions on other people’s claims without actually conducting experiments or doing research on their own. If something is deemed unpopular by society and relegated to the esoteric or occult, through programming most people automatica